Office of the 总统

Dr. 凯文·波洛克

Dr. 凯文·波洛克 began his tenure as 总统 of CCTC in January 2021. Prior to this role, 他曾担任宾夕法尼亚州蒙哥马利县社区学院院长和St. Clair County Community College in Michigan.

Dr. 波洛克 has more than 42 years of education experience at private, 公共, community and technical colleges and universities. His diverse roles and strengths include college administration, strategic planning, leadership and enrollment management.

他是美国大学注册和澳门赌钱线上平台官员协会(AACRAO)的高级顾问。, serving as a national expert on student success models. Dr. 波洛克是一位著名的全国演说家,他在超过145个会议和大学发表了引人入胜的演讲. 他撰写了超过25本书的章节和文章,最近与人合著并共同编辑了一本全国出版的书 SEM as a Connector.

In his time at CCTC, Dr. 波洛克发起了多项新举措,包括一项新的战略性澳门赌钱线上平台计划和流程,以及加入名为“实现梦想”(ATD)的全国学生成功平台。. ATD works with community colleges to provide integrated, tailored support for areas such as leadership, data and equity that will improve students’ success at CCTC. 他目前正处于领导学院通过南方学院和学校协会委员会(SACSCOC)十年一次的重新认证过程的早期阶段。. Dr. 波洛克, along with the team at CCTC, 2022年入学人数增长超过20%,扭转了入学人数下降的趋势.

Dr. 波洛克 holds a Ph.D. 在高等, 在密歇根州立大学获得成人和终身教育学位,在中密歇根大学获得教育学硕士学位和教育学学士学位. He and his wife, D’Lynn, have three adult children.

Office of the 总统

Academic Affairs

杰森Tisdel headshot

Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs


Tisdel于2008年8月开始在中央卡罗莱纳技术学院担任数学讲师. He has served in the roles of Mathematics department chair, 文理学院院长兼学术事务助理副校长.

Prior to joining the CCTC family, Tisdel加入了美国空军,并通过教育办公室成功地完成了一个服役计划,加入了军官队伍. During his time in the 空军, Tisdel拥有莱特州立大学的数学学士学位和空军技术学院(AFIT)的数学硕士学位。.

Originally from Anchorage, 阿拉斯加, Tisdel moved to Sumter with his wife, 里安农, 和儿子, AJ, after separating from the 空军.

Business Affairs

贝丝年轻, VP for Business Affairs

Vice 总统 for Business Affairs

贝丝年轻于2021年9月加入了中央卡罗莱纳技术学院的大家庭. Before deciding to join CCTC, 杨曾在罗克福德的罗克山谷学院担任财务和运营副校长, 伊利诺斯州. She also served as interim president while at Rock Valley College. Before the vice president position, 她曾是马塔市基什瓦基学院商业事务主任/财务总监, 伊利诺斯州.

杨曾在其他机构管理以下部门:金融和商业服务, Auxiliary 服务s, Information Technology, 体育运动, 该基金会, the Community Theatre, 校园 Safety and Facility Operations. 她还监督应急计划和管理运作以及学院的设施总体规划过程和实施. Young established and maintained a risk management program, managed the college’s investments and cash flow, 协助财政资源的分配,以完成学院的教育使命和目标. 

她是national Community College Business Officers组织的现任总裁,并自2015年起担任该组织的董事会成员,在那里她担任审计委员会成员, chair of the awards committee and vice president of Regional 服务s. In 2013, she received their Outstanding Business Officer award. Young也是北伊利诺伊州政府财务官的成员 协会. 她持有Keller Graduate School of Management的工商管理硕士学位和数学学士学位, Secondary Education from Indiana University. 

Young is married to Don Young and they have two daughters. 

Institutional Advancement


Vice 总统 for Institutional Advancement


She has more than 20 years of experience in marketing, 公共 relations and advancement in the fields of healthcare, higher education and the military. Hatfield的职业生涯始于Tuomey Healthcare System的公共关系专家, now Prisma Health. 她曾在中央卡罗莱纳技术学院担任董事级别的职位, 国防部和南卡罗来纳大学萨姆特分校. While marketing and 公共 relations has been a main focus, Hatfield在开发和筹款方面拥有丰富的经验,包括员工活动, special event fundraising, golf tournaments and annual campaigns.

哈特菲尔德参与了许多董事会和基金会,包括萨姆特市营业税委员会, the American Heart 协会, the YMCA Board of Trustees, the Chamber of Commerce, 全国市场营销和公共关系委员会以及促进和支持教育委员会. She is also a graduate of 领导 Sumter.

她拥有南卡罗来纳大学澳门赌钱线上平台学学士学位和特洛伊州立大学公共管理硕士学位, graduating cum laude and summa cum laude respectively. She and her husband, Lee, have two daughters.

Student Affairs

Vice 总统 for Student Affairs

丽莎·布莱肯自2008年起担任学生事务副总裁. In this capacity, Bracken provides leadership and oversight for recruitment, testing services, 澳门赌钱线上平台, 金融援助, 学生记录, outreach locations, 学生生活, counseling services, 职业服务, tutoring services, and TRIO and PBI grant programs. Bracken负责监督学生服务、流程、人事、预算和计划.

Prior to serving as Vice 总统 for Student Affairs, Bracken served as the Director of 澳门赌钱线上平台 and Records, Assistant Registrar, Disability 服务s Counselor, 澳门赌钱线上平台 Counselor, 招聘人员, and Program Manager for Shaw Center. She also worked in a psychological treatment facility for children, domestic violence programs, and as a foreign language instructor overseas. Bracken has over 30 years’ experience in counseling and education.

Bracken is a native of Minneapolis, Minnesota and came to Sumter, South Carolina as a dependent of a military member serving in the U.S. 空军. She holds an associate degree from the University of Maryland, 他拥有东新墨西哥大学(Eastern New Mexico University)的人类服务学士学位和特洛伊州立大学(Troy State University)的咨询与心理学教育硕士学位. Bracken还持有南卡罗来纳大学的高等教育领导研究生证书.

Bracken resides in Lexington, South Carolina with her husband Ron. 她有两个成年子女,其中一个毕业于中央卡罗莱纳技术学院.